When booking a tour with Caesars entertainment, it is important to read and understand the participation agreement. The agreement lays out the terms and conditions of the tour, including payment, cancellations, and liability.

Payment for the tour is typically due in full at the time of booking. If the tour is cancelled by the participant, refunds are only given according to the policies outlined in the agreement. In some cases, there may be penalties for cancellations or changes made to the itinerary.

The participation agreement also outlines the liability of both parties. Caesars entertainment is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of their participants, but they cannot be held liable for accidents or injuries that occur during the tour. Participants are also expected to follow the rules and guidelines set forth by Caesars entertainment and local authorities.

It is important to read the participation agreement thoroughly before booking a tour with Caesars entertainment. This will help to ensure that there are no surprises or misunderstandings during the trip. By understanding the terms and conditions of the agreement, participants can travel with peace of mind and enjoy the experience to the fullest.